God’s love is unconditional. And that kind of love is something that I don’t deserve. I guess this is why it’s called a gift. I didn’t work for it. It is given by means of magnanimity without me asking. It’s a grace. I feel guilty that I take this gift for granted. One can even describe me as ungrateful. For one, I started to use my intellect to think that God is just a being created by man to channel their limitations. But is it not? I believe I am just on the process of understanding more this faith. Hopefully after this phase, my faith would be more founded and strong. Just like our bodies need to be exposed with viruses and germs for it to learn to adapt to it, for its immune system to be boosted, I think this phase is healthy. Perhaps, it is but right for me to admit that I am sick, my soul is sick. With God’s grace, I ask to be healed.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son conveys the promise that when I actually come back, my faith renewed and restored, I would be welcomed with a warm embrace. Moreover, I was really struck how the said parable can ring true in my experiences. I am not the perfect child to my parents, a perfect friend and definitely not an ideal student to my teachers. But despite my flaws and weaknesses, some of the people around me just continue to believe in my capabilities and don’t cease on making me feel secured. Most of the times, it makes me want to change for the better.
Maybe this is just one of God’s revelations to me. This is God manifesting how unconditional His love is - in a way that I could understand. This is God unfolding the many mysteries that his identity has. I once read from a magazine how one must not tell everything on a first date. One should let the other unravel the mystery. In this way, thrill and excitement is guaranteed. Everyone would agree that these two things are needed to have a happy relationship. There is boredom in knowing, in being predictable. Maybe God also applies this to-do’s in dating, in keeping our relationship with Him thrilling and exciting. He wants us to pursue him more, to know him more in an active search and a conscious discovery. While on the process, we also grow with our moral beliefs and values. Getting more acquainted with Him would let us be enlightened whether our actions are in accordance to his holy will. Thus, we become instruments of His unconditional love.
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