________________________________"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfilment." (Pearl S. Buck)_______________________________

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Conscience is the moral faculty of man which is meant to aid us in our decision making processes. It is like an inner-built northern star which guides us to the right direction; that is, to do what is good and to avoid what is evil. For this the Church posits that conscience is inviolable despite its tendency to err sometimes. This proposition goes with the assumption that before we opt to do a certain act, we have taken time mulling over its goodness or wrongness. Hence, conscience is the final arbiter, Imperfect as we are, conscience likewise is far from perfect. That is why there is a great necessity for it to be formed and honed.

Through our own mistakes, we learn. When we are in a tribulation as consequence of our own doing, there is no one to blame except for ourselves. We develop a sense of responsibility and accountability. We mature. Perhaps, this is the reason why the Church advises us to follow our conscience all the time even its imperfect nature, for us to mature and be more orientated towards the good nature that we are created to be.

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