________________________________"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfilment." (Pearl S. Buck)_______________________________

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Feeling good. It's really good to know that you are living with a purpose. That is, a purpose driven life. It's also good to have an inspiration,someone to motivate you, someone that makes even your stomach smile. I love this feeling. It is really euphoric.

I just wish we could be friends .But knowing that you know me with my reputation is enough for me. I will work hard to keep that good reputation for me to be, you know, somehow approachable and someone one can be proud being a friend.

May this feeling last a longer duration. Thank you. May you stay the same .May you not dislike me. Wish that someday when we get to meet each other in the road, you'll smile at me and say to yourself "He is my friend".

PS. I wish you could know how I feel.

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