________________________________"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfilment." (Pearl S. Buck)_______________________________

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Significance of Others to the Self

            We are innately social beings. This underscores my point as to why and how others have significance to the self.            First, the others are important to the self because through interacting with them, we know profoundly who the self is. How? The self is a mystery to himself, so we need others to unlock this mystery. As said, the self measures, investigates and judges the others. Hence, through interaction, we discover how different we are. Somehow, this difference pointed out makes our true self surface. Thus, we say, "I am not like them because I'm like this." The self knows itself.
           Second, we find meaning to our selves' existence through helping others. We all have gaps to fill, and filling up other's gaps give the self profound satisfaction.

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