________________________________"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfilment." (Pearl S. Buck)_______________________________

Saturday, March 14, 2015

When Things Get Forgotten

I have been very busy lately. Deadlines are here and there. And it's fine. What's not fine is me losing things that are valuable. I just have this tendency to focus onto something so much that I tune off to some other things that are important, say for instance my usb flashdrive and worse, my coin purse with all my cash in it. How frustrating! Yeah maybe its the jinx Friday the 13th has. But I need not experience this again. I won't wait for the day that I lose more important things, (please not my life) because of my lack of finesse and composure in dealing with pressure.*Sighs.*

I remember Patrick J Adams giving this advice to law students of a university in Ireland -"Don't concentrate on something too much that you lose sight of what's in the sidelines." Amen to this.

And yet I can't put away the thought of the big "what ifs?"  What if I haven't been like this or like that?What of I have been more careful and conscious of my environment?

God, I am going crazy. We're not affluent to afford furnishing this gadgets and cash when we needed it. We don't have money to squander. You just can imagine how ashamed I was to call my father telling him that I just lost all my cash and asked him to send me allowance two days after he did. I feel guilty.

I just hope that this won;t happen again. Please Lord, guide me with this.

Perhaps one positive realization of this day is that life is really way easier if you have friends. I have survived this "great loss" through their help and extra cash. (Yup, the loaned me cash because as you remember, my coin purse went missing for good."

Likewise, family will always be there in times of trouble. Not just because it's their moral obligation to do so, but because they are family. Period.

I pray to God to comfort me. I feel guilty and paranoid. I feel like I am the most irresponsible person in the world.  Lord, hear my prayer.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Community Development

Perhaps the core of community development is fundamentally positive. The words themselves say that it aims to effect changes and improvements over the community. From these progresses, positive impacts could be viewed.

Development of the community generally would uplift the ways of living of its constituents. Say for instance, a certain group of people living together in a specific geographical location’s sanitation has been improved. Consequently their health and entire well-being would be in better condition. And when people generally are in the right shape, they could do more. To illustrate, they could now work more efficiently and effectively given a certain duration of time . Subsequently if they could work excellently, they could be very well compensated on one hand, and more quality products would be subjected to the market on the other. Hence, economic status of the community could be raised and so on and so forth.

The most essential part of community development is to empower people so that they may be able to live better lives. Perhaps starting at one point and beginning with the basic could bring forth a ripple of effects that would not just significantly improve one’s standard of living but of others around him as well.

The question now is, who will be the one to make this golden vision of community development see the light if the day? Basically this is our government’s job. Yet I believe that this is everyone’s responsibility. Public and private sectors must work hand in hand to ensure more communities are developed.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

To Facilitate Replacing You Is

Having mixed feelings after the election. I'm definitely feeling full, courtesy of Noble. But what I mean is I can't identify what I feel really.

Maybe I'm happy a number of people participated. It's probably the most populous election that I've attended. Likewise I'm happy because brilliant and potential leaders accepted the challenge of officership. I'm really happy for them. I'd like to think that we as incumbent officers did something to inspire them to take courage and be officers as well.

I also think I'm feeling relieved. Finally I'd be freed from duties and responsibilities. But with the feeling of relief is sadness. It just sunk in that my days as an officer just had its end. But as it ended I believe I would carry within me the lessons that I have learned throughout the experience plus the friendship with my colleagues. Thank you to Monaliza, Madel, Bheck, Ate Tin, Jai, Ghue, Martin, and Ate Bang and Fr. Ritche as well.

I am also preparing myself for the changes that the incoming officers are to implement. It's a way of telling the past administration "This is how it must be done." So I feel kinda pressured.

But then again it's not about me or us. It's about the organization's welfare. I firmly believe that CSV will be on good hands.

To the incoming officers, Godspeed! You'll do such fine. You'll be amazed how time will fly. One day  you'll possibly be feeling what I feel right now after facilitating an election intending to replace us.  I really thank you you for your courage, for not fearing the responsibilities and the life ahead. You'll get more from what you'll invest I promise you.

This is it. So long CSV. Current President is signing off.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Please, Not From You

The moment that you became aware of your flaws and had  subsequently accepted them is the moment that marked the start of you not feeling hurt whenever someone brings them up or spits them out on your face. This is indeed very correct. There are just times when this notion doesn't apply. It's when the act of making you remember how horrible person you've been comes from a person whom you thought was one of few people who must've understood better.