To start, a man has unique physical attributes. He has a physique directly attributable to what a human being is. The way he talks, walks and do physical activities is distinctive of him. Yet these are the superficial ones. What makes a man truly human?
It has been said by Aristotle that “Man is a rational animal.” Hence, a man has the capability to think soundly. Humans do make decisions with the aid of reason. We have the ability to weigh things as to their pros and cons, and their rightness or wrongness. We are not like animals that just base their actions on their instincts. We are not like robots which only do what they are programed of. We have our rationality to rely on.
Consequent to our being rational is our being curious. We seek for answers. We seek to know what is not known. We look for certainty. Perhaps that’s why philosophers did philosophize in the first place. Moreover, humans do move to satisfy this curiousness. Somehow it’s persistent. Concrete outcomes of this persistence of curiosity are all that we have today. Technology, medicines, foods etc. are ones. Some persons even became alive as a product of curiosity. Thus, we don’t stay in whatever current state we are in, such as being ignorant. We move forward. Humans strive to get what’s good and comforting, such as knowing.
Sartre, an existentialist, said that “Man is condemned to be free.” That human beings have absolute freedom. Whatever arguments against his belief are, one thing is sure, we have freedom to exercise. We human beings can choose among choices. We can and can’t to things. We can or cannot will ourselves to do things. Also, we are self- making beings. We are products of what we do. Hence, we are products of our own freedom.
Together with freedom is responsibility. Human beings are responsible not just on his own well-being but on others as well. We are not alone. We need to co-exist with others. Human beings are social beings.
Human beings are both rational and social in nature. We are free. We are responsible. These qualities guide us as to what extent we are becoming a true human. Thus, it is the way a man lives his life is what makes him truly human. A man is the highest form of animal. A true human is a righteous man.
Another last paper on my Philo on Human Person I. What's with my teachers this sem? They really make me feel sad with their last words in our very last meetings. Anyway here is my integration paper.
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