________________________________"Self-expression must pass into communication for its fulfilment." (Pearl S. Buck)_______________________________

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Random Chapters

This is an exerpt from something that I wrote.

Chapter 4

The Demise

Summer before I turned 4th year high school is when my mother experienced the peak of suffering from the pains of cervical cancer. I remember her crying so loud. What did I feel? I felt I don’t want to feel anything. I was tuning her out. I just don’t want to feel sad and concerned. It’s just too painful. Back then I felt as though the experience is much for me to bear. Right now, while writing this, I can’t help but be sad. I miss her so much. She died June 27, 2010.


Chapter 5

The Reaping


I’ve said a while ago that I have a thing on announcement of honors. I remember the announcement of honors when I am to graduate in high school. It just for me is dramatic. Well, I found it wonderful that I cried when I heard the news. Standing in front of my teachers and batch mates, it dawned to me that this is the product of my hard work. I’m reaping my harvest. I even imagined my mother watching me and applauding. It’s really  a dramatic moment for me.

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